The full Feline Wizards series now at Ebooks Direct
It's a pleasure to be able to let everyone know that all three of the Feline Wizards books -- The Book of Night with Moon, To Visit The Queen (published in the UK as On Her Majesty’s Wizardly Service), and The Big Meow -- are now available in ebook form here at Ebooks Direct. (You can use the buttons below to order if you like.)
The delay on this has been due to the rights for the first two books still being held by their original US publisher. They couldn't be reverted until sales fell below a certain point. A month or so ago it transpired that they'd finally crossed that threshold, so reversion proceedings could begin... and those are now complete. I've taken the opportunity, while the paperwork was being sorted out, to go over the text of both of the first two books and make some textual corrections. Nothing major -- just some tidying to bring the copy more into line with my present writing style.
Right now the Feline Wizards ebooks are only available at Ebooks Direct. It'll take a month or so for the major online retailers to be notified about the reversion by the previous publishers, and for those editions to be pulled. Once this has happened, early in the New Year the (slightly) revised ebooks will be made available through Amazon and other online sources. Watch this space for more information. For those of you interested in an omnibus edition of the ebooks: there isn’t one yet, as I’m still looking into the pros and cons. (Among other things: I have to spend some time crunching the numbers to see whether omnibus publication of ebooks is actually making sense in terms of sales at this point.)
New paperback editions of all three books, with unified covers, will also appear via Amazon's CreateSpace arm some time between next week and mid-January. (I have to think a little more about what kind of covers are going to work best at Amazon. The new EBD ebook covers are nice enough, but they aren’t necessarily the ones that will work best for the paperbacks.) The prospect of hardcovers is still hanging in the air, as Lulu has proven itself annoyingly difficult to deal with and I haven't yet had time to adequately evaluate other options.
Thanks again for your patience, everybody! I’ve been waiting a while to get all these reverted to me, and it’s so satisfying to have them sorted out at last.
One other note: if you're a subscriber to the original Big Meow subscription project who hasn't yet done so, please use this link to add your contact data to our MailChimp contact list. We're in the process of reaching out to all original subscribers to make sure they've received all their subscription materials. Thanks in advance for your help!
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